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Stray - a game that delivered on my hype expectations

November 06, 2022 | Games

When Stray was announced, I was immediately excited. I love cats and I love games, so what could be better than a cat game?

Are animals actually interested in the game?

Before I started playing, I had read that a lot of animals are confused by or interested in the game. And the same happened when we first started the game. The game begins with multiple cats moving and meowing. This really caught Osiris' attention. He was intensely watching the TV and even went closer to the screen to see what is going on and who the cats are. Lumia couldn't have cared less, she was sleeping or minding her own business in another room. After the main character was the only cat on the screen and there was no constant meowing, Osiris didn't seem that interested anymore. He often watches anything on the TV with us, so he was usually still around. Just not paying so much attention to the game. Clearly, the cat sounds and mannerisms are realistic.

What is the game like?

I love the game. The story is very well written. I was instantly hooked, and I couldn't wait to learn more. If you are not familiar with the story, it isn't the most positive one, but a great story nonetheless. The writers did an amazing job. I've rarely encountered such a fantastic story.

The main character is also super cute. I laughed so hard at a couple of the cat things they added to the game. I had a blast randomly dropping stuff and putting the cat's head in paper bags. But my favorite was definitely when the cat wore a harness for the first time. That is exactly how Osiris behaved when we first tried on a harness for him. They managed to portray a cat really well.

I also enjoyed the scenery. The game looks fantastic. The controls aren't super complicated, which was also a plus. I like being able to do the basic functions without much thought.

What I did not enjoy so much were the Zurks. Super stressful for me. And don't get me wrong... they were excellent for the game, but just not so pleasant for me. I would have been happy just to be able to walk around without any enemies, to be honest. The game is just so beautiful and I completely fell in love with the main character.

If you haven't played it yet, I recommend trying it out. The game has received very positive feedback, so I'm not the only one loving it. I intend to replay it at least one more time so I can get all the achievements. I like getting 100% of the achievements in a game whenever I can. I just also really liked playing the game. I'll just wait a bit so I don't remember the story so well before giving it another go. I really hope they make more games like this.

Image from Stray press kit