The most addicting game of the year award goes to Beat Saber
September 12, 2019 | GamesEver since I first saw the demos and YouTube videos of people playing the game, I knew I had to have it at some point. As an office worker with hobbies revolving around sitting on a computer, I knew I needed to give more movement to my arms and shoulders. I'd been thinking about starting up tennis or badminton but I've yet to start those. But this game works as a great substitute.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, check out the Beat Saber website. You can also search for Beat Saber on YouTube, there are tons of videos of people playing the game. Some are on such a skill level where I just stare at them with my mouth open.
I love dancing, singing and gaming so this game pretty much combines them all for me. My singing and dancing have nothing to do with the gameplay itself but I have so much fun that I do both almost immediately.
The game is super fun and it also gives you a decent cardio workout, of course, it all depends on the intensity you play the game with.
I play the game with Oculus Quest, which we purchased earlier this summer. I wish my play area was wider; the area is less than what is recommended. But if I don't go totally berserk, the area is quite alright. I rarely hit anything in my surroundings, but the Oculus gives me visual warnings about the grid area from time to time.
One of the biggest problems with me playing the game is, of course, the cats of the house. They want to take part, so one or both will come lay on my feet or next to my feet. I can still play, but I need to be careful so I won't step on them or kick them. My fiancé hasn't tried the game yet, so we don't know how much participation he gets from the cats, but I think the cats take part more with me.
But in all seriousness, the real challenge for me with this game is that I have trouble registering the cubes in my peripheral vision and the more cubes in my vision area in general, the more real trouble I have of actually registering what I should be doing. I hope that by playing this game I will get my eyes to get used to these kinds of movements and might be able to progress to more difficult levels later on.
I like that Beat Saber has a campaign with different kinds of challenges. It helps keep the game more interesting. You can add those challenge types to any songs in the game yourself too. It's also great that the game has several difficulty levels. It helps people with different skill levels or physical shape to play the game and enjoy it. I've tried a few expert levels so far, and some of them just had me stop the level immediately and say no way. I'll give those levels another go when I've played more and am more familiar with the level styles. Challenging yourself is one fun thing in the game.
One complaint people have had is that the songs in the game don't have that much variation. If you dislike computer music, you might not enjoy the songs so much. But there are many people creating their own levels with a wider range of songs and you can add those to your game. There are in-game purchases for songs, though there aren't that many of those yet. The game creators have said there will be more variation in the music and that they will keep making the game better and better. I like the music styles in the game, though, so I have no complaints.
I ordered Oculus Quest prescription lens adapters so I might play without my glasses. The experience felt weird at first because I felt like I was more in the game. With my glasses, I could always see the area around me quite well because I had to leave room for my glasses. Somehow the blocks seemed to be a lot closer to me. But once I played a couple of levels, I got used to it. The blocks were a bit sharper than before, so I suppose my glasses were always a little dirty, even if I cleaned then just before playing.
I mention in the title that the game is addictive. After I first played the game, I woke up the next morning thinking about when I could play the game again. The songs were playing in my head and I just wanted to start moving my arms around. And this continued after I played the second time. And the third time. I just fell in love with the game.
I really recommend trying the game out if you have the gear for it. There is also a free demo available if you don't want to buy the game without testing it yourself. The game is not expensive and the game just got a free update with new songs and features.