Sanna Kramsi - Blog A peek into my life

Expanding my accessibility sites with a site dedicated to WCAG

July 20, 2024 | Tech

I always want to expand my accessibility website with useful information. One thing it has been lacking is all the WCAG criteria. I also felt the information would have taken too much room from the site. The site is supposed to be a general information site about all things accessibility. And the WCAG criteria are just a fraction of the topic as a whole. That's when I decided I would create another accessibility site with a much more specific purpose.

Planning the new site

I wanted to gather information about all the WCAG criteria. One reason for this is that I've been going through all the WCAG criteria together with my teammate at work.

Tech stack

I decided to go with the same tech stack as with the original accessibility site, Strapi and Astro. And instead of creating a new backend for the new site, I extended the accessibility site Strapi with a couple of new content types.

The front end follows the main color scheme that all my sites do.

Content work

The content is still a work in progress, though that's the case with all my sites. I think a site is never fully done. But the first version is out in both Finnish and English. I also wanted to ensure that I have the content in Finnish since there is so much less accessibility information available.

Getting a new domain

One thing I'd also been thinking about was getting a specific domain for my accessibility website. While it was mostly about the site domain, I've also been having some other accessibility plans for a while now. And getting a new domain for all of that made sense to me.

And that is how was born. And the idea of having a verb-like term as the name. At least for now, I will only have the English domain, but who knows what happens in the future.

Visit the sites:

A11ying with Sanna - I would if I could

A11ying with Sanna - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

Stay tuned for more! Things might take a while to cook, but there are several things I've been planning. And if there are things you'd like to see me do, don't hesitate to reach out! Whether it's some specific content on one of the sites or if it is something completely new, I'm always open to suggestions.

Have fun a11ying!